America’s gun culture in charts: gun rights vs gun control spending

Date: 04/22/2022

Title: Gun Rights vs Gun Control Groups Spending

Image description: Bar graph with y-axis label “million $” and x-axis label “year,” with five pairs of bars comparing gun rights spending as the left bar and gun control spending as the right bar. The y-axis increases from 0 to 60 in increments of 10 million dollars. The year shows years 2012 to 2020. The trend for gun rights spending increases from 2012 to 2016, then decreases with a large dip in 2018. The trend for gun control spending increases from 2012, approaching gun control spending in 2020. Table with approximate amounts below.

Year Gun rights spending (approximate) Gun control spending (approximate)
2012 $20 million  Less than $1 million
2014 $28 million $9 million
2016 $55 million $3 million
2018 $10 million $6 million
2020 $32 million $23 million

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Source: Chart titled “Gun rights groups have spent more than gun control groups in most recent years” from America’s gun culture – in seven charts, BBC News.

Bar chart with 5 pairs of bars and braille labels.