January 6 US Capitol Timeline Maps
Date: 01/14/2022
Graphic 1: Jan 6, 2021, US Capitol Overview Map
Image Description: Map of the Capitol Building surrounded by police barricade fencing and the locations where it was breached. North is to the left. The US Capitol Building is shown as a thick, solid line, containing abbreviations (from left) for Senate Chamber, Rotunda, and House Chamber. The fencing, two long dashed lines, curve around the Capitol to the north and south. Breached fences, dotted lines, are to the east and west, as well as diagonal barricades starting from bottom left of the fenced area toward the west entrance of the Capitol Building. Times on the map label the fencing when barricades were breached–2:00 on the east side of the building (above), and 2:10 on the west (below). An arrow points down, west toward the National Mall.
Graphic 2: Jan 6, 2021, US Capitol 2nd Floor Detail Map
Image Description: Cropped floor plan (north 1/3rd) of the Capitol Building’s second floor, showing the exterior wall, hallways, and the Senate Chamber. North is to the left. The building exterior is a thick, solid line, with a dotted line on the west side (bottom of page) where the mob broke through doors and windows of the first floor at 2:11 PM. The Senate Chamber is a filled texture, with hallways leading to it on 3 sides. Hallways are thin solid lines, marked with dots at the locations of Mike Pence, and where the mob faced off with police. A labeled arrow points to the stairs on the east side where the mob entered the hallway near the Senate Chamber at 2:14 PM. To the right, an arrow points to the Rotunda and House Chamber.
This is a 3-page graphic containing the Capitol Overview map and detail map, along with a key to abbreviations and textures, as well as associated timeline of events.
ZIP folder contains files for producing tactile graphics on 8.5 x 11-inch paper, landscape:
- PRNs for ViewPlus Columbia / Delta, APH PixBlaster, IRIE BrailleTrac / BrailleSheet;
- PDFs for Swell, Microcapsule or PIAF;
- Reference PDFs with corresponding large print text (not for tactile production).
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How to unzip/uncompress: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, MacOS.
Source: Capitol riots timeline: What happened on 6 Jan one year ago?, BBC News. How a Presidential Rally Turned Into a Capitol Rampage, The New York Times.