What do the Boeing, SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic space vehicles look like?

Date: 11/19/2021

Title: Space Flight Vehicle Comparison

Image Description: Diagram of four space flight vehicles, representing the crew capsules with an empty outline and the propulsion systems with solid fill. The vehicle on the far left of the page is SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket that is a long cylinder with the Crew Dragon capsule on top. To the right of Falcon 9 is Boeing’s Atlas V Rocket with a long cylinder propulsion base with the Starliner crew capsule on top. The top right of the page has Blue Origin’s New Shepard with a short cylinder propulsion module and a crew capsule on top. The bottom right of the page has Virgin Galactic’s White Knight Two double fuselage propulsion system carrying SpaceShipTwo at the center.

Crew and Propulsion comparison table:

Company Outline: crew area Solid fill:  propulsion
Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo White Knight Two
Blue Origin New Shepard capsule New Shepard propulsion module
Boeing Starliner Atlas V Rocket
SpaceX Crew Dragon Falcon 9 Rocket

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  • PRNs for ViewPlus Columbia / Delta, APH PixBlaster, IRIE BrailleTrac / BrailleSheet;
  • PDFs for Swell, Microcapsule or PIAF;
  • Reference PDFs with corresponding large print text (not for tactile production).

Printing Instructions and Supported Embossers

How to unzip/uncompress: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, MacOS.

Source: How SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and others compete in the growing space tourism market, CNBC. It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity that grounded Boeing’s Starliner, Ars Technica. SpaceX Dragon, SpaceX Falcon 9, Blue Origin New Shepard, Virgin Galactic, Boeing Starliner and Atlas V Rocket.

Four space vehicles