What is the layout of an NBA Basketball court?
Date: 07/30/2021
Title: NBA Basketball Court
Description: Aerial view of a standard NBA basketball court, a horizontal rectangle. Two equal sides of the court are mirrored by the (vertically drawn) half-court line, which bisects the center circle. Each side has a three-point line arching around the key (shaded rectangle, also called free throw lane) and basket. At the top of the key is the free throw circle (dashed line within shaded area, solid line outside), bisected by the free throw line. There are four midcourt area markers along the side lines. The graphic includes a key to abbreviations and scale line showing 12-ft distance.
ZIP folder contains files for producing tactile graphics on 8.5 x 11-inch paper, landscape:
- PRNs for ViewPlus Columbia / Delta, APH PixBlaster, IRIE BrailleTrac / BrailleSheet;
- PDFs for Swell, Microcapsule or PIAF;
- Reference PDFs with corresponding large print text (not for tactile production).
Printing Instructions and Supported Embossers
How to unzip/uncompress: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, MacOS.
Source: NBA Official: Court Dimensions
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